Scan Medicine

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  • OR is assumed between multiple words if no other operator or phrase indication is used
    e.g. heart attack searches for heart OR attack
  • For OR use | (with or without spaces)
    e.g. heart|attack, heart | attack searches for heart OR attack
  • For AND use + (with or without spaces)
    e.g. heart+attack, heart + attack searches for heart AND attack
  • For NOT use + - [Hyphens are ignored when used without spaces between words; when used in front of a word for NOT, it's essential to use the '+' as well]
    e.g. heart + -attack searches for heart NOT attack
  • To search a multiple-word phrase use double quotation marks [Truncation cannot be used within phrases]
    e.g. "heart attack" searches for the words "heart attack" together in that order
  • For truncation use * [Only for single words; truncation cannot be used within double quotation mark phrases]
    e.g. cancer* Searches for cancer, cancers, cancerous, etc
  • For multiple operators within the same search line, use brackets [Brackets determine the order that operators are applied]
    e.g. ("heart attack" | "myocardial infarction") + (aspirin | thrombolytic* | fibrinolytic*) searches for ("heart attack" OR "myocardial infarction") AND (aspirin OR thrombolytic* OR fibrinolytic*)


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An initiative of the NIHR Innovation ObservatoryNewcastle University