Scan Medicine

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  • OR is assumed between multiple words if no other operator or phrase indication is used
    e.g. heart attack searches for heart OR attack
  • For OR use | (with or without spaces)
    e.g. heart|attack, heart | attack searches for heart OR attack
  • For AND use + (with or without spaces)
    e.g. heart+attack, heart + attack searches for heart AND attack
  • For NOT use + - [Hyphens are ignored when used without spaces between words; when used in front of a word for NOT, it's essential to use the '+' as well]
    e.g. heart + -attack searches for heart NOT attack
  • To search a multiple-word phrase use double quotation marks [Truncation cannot be used within phrases]
    e.g. "heart attack" searches for the words "heart attack" together in that order
  • For truncation use * [Only for single words; truncation cannot be used within double quotation mark phrases]
    e.g. cancer* Searches for cancer, cancers, cancerous, etc
  • For multiple operators within the same search line, use brackets [Brackets determine the order that operators are applied]
    e.g. ("heart attack" | "myocardial infarction") + (aspirin | thrombolytic* | fibrinolytic*) searches for ("heart attack" OR "myocardial infarction") AND (aspirin OR thrombolytic* OR fibrinolytic*)

About ScanMedicine

Based at Newcastle University in the North-East of England, the NIHR Innovation Observatory is the home of health innovation futures scanning. We are an active research centre with a focus on the provision of early awareness signals and timely intelligence to support national decision making around health care innovation.

ScanMedicine is a novel search platform dedicated to providing health care professionals, patients, carers, the public, policy-makers, and researchers with open access to the development pipeline underpinning health technology innovations. ScanMedicine comprises clinical trial records presenting standardised data from multiple national and international clinical trials registries, along with medical device approval data from the FDA. It offers users a convenient and effective single search interface with interactive visualisation features that can provide an overview of the health technology innovation landscape.

An initiative of the NIHR Innovation ObservatoryNewcastle University